JEAN-FRANCOIS LABORDE                       

Expert for the Paris Court of Appeal

Expert for the Paris and Versailles Administrative Courts of Appeal

Expert on the Belgian National Register of Judicial Experts

Expert for the Superior Court of Justice of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Economic and financial expert, Laborde Advisory


Association of Judicial Experts in Management CNEJGE

Association of Judicial Experts in Finance CNEJEF

Association of Judicial Experts in Accounting CNECJ

Association of Judicial Experts for the Paris and Versailles Administrative Courts of Appeal CECAAPV

French Society of Evaluators

Society of Comparative Legislation


L’évaluation des préjudices causés par les ententes anticoncurrentielles : méthodes et pratique du juge administratif français (valuation of damages caused by cartels: methods and practice of French administrative judges)

AJDA 2023

De toute victime à tout préjudice, with Catherine Prieto

IRJS Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Suzanne Carval 2022

La perte de valeur ou dépréciation d’un bien immatériel, with Suzanne Carval and Sylvie Nérot

IRJS Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Suzanne Carval 2022

Concurrences Review 2021

German translation by Dr. Thomas Thiede – Kartellschadensersatzklagen in Europa : Wie Gerichte kartellbedingte Preisaufschläge beurteilt haben

NZKart 2022

French translation – Actions en réparation faisant suite à des ententes : comment les juridictions nationales en Europe ont apprécié les surcoûts

Concurrences Review 2021

La réparation du dommage causé par une entente anticoncurrentielle

Recueil Dalloz 2021

La réparation des préjudices causés par les pratiques anticoncurrentielles : recueil de décisions commentées, 2nd edition (repairing damages caused by anticompetitive practices: commented leading cases), with Rafael Amaro

Concurrences 2020

Réparation du dommage causé par les ententes devant le juge administratif, with Joëlle Adda and Rafael Amaro

AJDA 2019

La réparation des préjudices causés par les abus de position dominante (repairing damages caused by abuses of dominance), with Suzanne Carval

Concurrences Review 2018

La réparation de la perte de marge, with Suzanne Carval and Sylvie Nérot

Recueil Dalloz 2018

Réparation intégrale du préjudice : obligation d’actualiser le montant, with Suzanne Carval

Recueil Dalloz 2017

L’évaluation du surcoût causé par une entente anticoncurrentielle : l’expérience française, with Suzanne Carval

Gazette du Palais 2016


Valuing damages caused by anticompetitive practices

The French National School for the Judiciary

Program co-director, November 2024

Legal rules on valuation of damages, with Charlotte de Cabarrus

The Paris Bar School EFB and the French National School for the Judiciary ENM

Sessions on June 2021, May 2022, November 2022, June 2023, May 2024

Master II Competition Distribution – Valuation of damages caused by anticompetitive practices

Pantheon Sorbonne Paris I University

Since 2019

Valuation of damages caused by anticompetitive practices

The French National School for the Judiciary and the Paris Bar School

Program coordinator, November 2022

Economics in antitrust damage claims, training of national judges

OCDE and Hungarian Competition Authority, program financed by the European Union

Budapest May 2019


The personal nature of harm

CNEJGE December 2022

Cartel damages actions in France, seminar on competition and public procurement at the French Ministry of Finance

DGCCRF October 2022

Assessing damages caused by anticompetitive practices

French Court of Cassation May 2022

Competition law damages actions in Europe

French Court of Cassation January 2022

Arbitration in competition law damages actions

Society of Comparative Legislation November 2021

Richterliche Schätzung von Kartellschäden

Competition Litigation Forum Frankfurt am Main September 2021

Derecho de la Competencia Europeo y Español, Aspectos procesales de la aplicación privada del Derecho de la Competencia

IEB Madrid March 2021

Damages Claims in Cartel Cases

International Competition Network ICN December 2020

Valuation of damages: pre-judgment interest and pass-on

Paris Court of Appeal March 2019

Full compensation: internal costs

CNEJGE October 2018

Cartel damages claims in Europe: how courts have assessed cartel overcharges

CRESSE July 2018

Practical case on damages valuation

Paris Court of Appeal March 2017


Since 2005       Laborde Advisory, valuation of damages

1992 – 2004     Strategy consulting


2016   Rouen University, Judicial Expert Program

2013   Insead Executive Master in Change

1966   IMD MBA

1987   ESSEC


English and French


Phone :             +33 1 85 09 50 85